Drama techniques for Writers
Like any other artist, writers can easily get stuck in their own process and routine, which in turn stifles creativity. Sometimes all it takes to get those engines roaring again, is a shift in perspective, and a bit of fun. These cross-disciplinary workshops aren't about teaching anyone how to write, but instead offer a novel and exciting way 'into writing'.
These interactive courses offer a fun introduction to drama techniques and games that can help unlock creativity, and breathe new life into writing. Participants can come with a scene or character they want to unlock, or just be ready to create something new!
Fancy that? I offer group and individual workshops, see below for some examples, and get in touch to discuss details including pricing or accessibility needs!
We’ll explore the actor’s basic toolkit to help you find stories in the everyday, build fleshed out characters, and use improv to push through that dreaded blank page.
We’ll briefly touch on how to switch your gaze, between that of an actor, a director, and a producer, so you can analyse and sharpen your work.
*This workshop is suitable for people who are just starting out on their writing journey, and who are looking for tools to help them create finished, solid work.
Focus on:
We’ll delve into how the actor’s work with body, personal experience, text, and ensemble, can help you get to know your characters, and find those little things that will make them come alive.
Of course, all along the way, we’ll discuss what we’ve discovered!
We’ll explore the concept of ‘Think Theatre’ as it concerns your work. This will include a more in-depth look at battling writer’s block, selling your work as an artist and building your brand, as well as fighting imposter syndrome, and how theatre dramaturgy can help build a solid and polished piece.
*This workshop is for those who are already well on their writing journey, and who are looking for tools to help them solidify their confidence, and discipline, and who are looking for a different way ‘into’ the writing process.
Focus on:
Using improv games we’ll break down those walls and really fire up that imagination, getting you conquering that pesky plot problem or writer’s block in no time! We’ll also touch on how improv can help you create fresh and natural dialogue.
Moving onto the director’s toolkit, we’ll look at how a director’s analysis can give you a way into creating dynamic, conflict and drama-ridden scenes.
We’ll look more in depth at those tools actors have to keep things fresh, explore some movement and in-depth analysis techniques, as well as some activities and techniques that will help bring some play and silliness back into your work, and help you de-stress.
*This workshop is for people who are confident in their writing, and perhaps even make a living from it! Its primary purpose is to give you a different perspective, and some new tools.
After discussing your needs and requested areas of focus, I’ll create a tailored workshop program.
Why ME...
I have a BFA in Theatre Performance (FAU), an MA in Acting International (East 15), and I’ve worked as a freelance director and producer on the London fringe theatre scene for ten years. As of 2014, my concentration turned to digital theatre, before I turned to writing Romance!
As part of my work in theatre, I’ve run digital theatre/Shakespeare workshops, as well as successful developmental workshops for new writing. In rehearsal rooms, I've worked with larger ensembles and with solo artists on more intimate monologue pieces; my approach has always been based on collaboration, and play.​